30% off Gut Testing!

I am so excited to share that you can access huge savings in getting some solid answers for your gut health!

These tests give us incredible insight into your microbiome and help us to identify the key causes to your health concerns.


MetaXplore™ is a Functional Gut Microbiome Profile, great for patients experiencing conditions such as heart disease, obesity, hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, chemical sensitivities and more!

MetaXplore™ GI

MetaXplore™ GI is also a Functional Gut Microbiome Profile providing insight as with the MetaXplore™, while also looking at Gastrointestinal Health Markers. This test is beneficial for patients experiencing digestive issues such as IBD, constipation, non-infectious diarrhoea, and food sensitivities; while also a great test for those experiencing autoimmune conditions, metabolic disease, alcoholism, or weight loss.

MetaXplore™ GI Plus

MetaXplore™ GI Plus is the ultimate comprehensive test, delivering a deep dive into what is happening with your digestive health. It includes a Functional Gut Microbiome Profile, Gastrointestinal Health Markers, as well as Targeted Pathogen & Parasite Panels. This test is ideal for those experiencing chronic signs and symptoms of pathogen infection.

The 30% discount is only available for consults held by Thursday the 27th February, with testing ordered by the 28th February.

For more information and to book your consult and testing, contact me via the button below 🧡


Slumber Secrets